Christmas and New Year spent with family is the best. We were blessed that our family came to visit for the holidays. Mom, Dad, Jon, Tim & Ben flew out on Christmas Eve to spend the celebrations with our trio. Silas had the time of his life with so many people to play and explore with!
How sweet to read the Incarnation story together as a family on Christmas morning. Stephen led the readings of Luke 2, Philippians 2, and Isaiah 53. He concluded with a poem from Augustine of Hippo and then we sang carols together. Christmas morning mostly consisted of helping Silas to open his mountain of presents.
So many family and friends were generous to our little guy that he received too many toys, clothes and gear to list.
My personal favorite of his gifts was the aviator hat Tim gave. Silas is adorable in it and reminds us all of the young Carl on the movie Up.
Stephen worked Monday and Tuesday, but had the rest of the week off to spend with the gang. We made the long trek up to the south rim of the Grand Canyon.
It was a little chilly, but sunny and clear and awesome!
After walking along the rim for an hour or so and visiting the Geology Museum, we drove home by way of Williams, Flagstaff & Sedona. Williams and Flagstaff look like quaint mountain towns I’d love to explore. Maybe next year we can take the family to the red rocks of Sedona.
On Friday, the guys toured the Pima Air and Space Museum in Tucson. Nothing like a bunch of planes, jets, and rockets to entertain them. Dad–via Jon’s suggestion–found a Vietnamese restaurant to try for supper. The previous night Jon had introduced all of us to Boba tea (creamy tea with tapioca pearls mixed in), so Dad was up for a supper of Vietnamese food. My favorite part was the spring roll appetizer with peanut sauce.
Fish sauce was a new sensation for our American palettes. I think we all agreed that Vietnamese food was a success.
Afterwards we explored the adjacent Lee Lee Oriental Suparmarket which was filled with strange and wonderful (and some unappetizing) cuisine choices. In the meat section we found chicken legs, pig snouts, blood, hearts, pig ears, eels, squid, and octopus! As we shopped Dad commented, “One thing about it, you get to know your animals.” To which Stephen replied, “It’s like a dead zoo, Dad.”
Thankfully we came home with relatively normal purchases like a pineapple orange, pomelo, sesame snacks, mango, etc. and left the balut, anchovies, and tongue in Tucson.
Our week was filled with enjoying Christmas presents. Tammy gave Stephen the popular game Settlers of Catan, and Tim, Ben, Stephen & I became immediately addicted.
We even rang in the New Year playing Settlers. My family gave me Rummikub and Buzzword which made for a game-filled week. I instantly used my beautiful platter from Jon for our Christmas brunch.
Best of all, Mom and Dad bought us some porch furniture which means we can enjoy being outside finally. Can’t wait to use it!
The days were warm and clear and perfect for visits to the park. At Arizona Mills mall Silas rode the carousel with Grammy and Daddy and visited the pet shop.
We had plenty of help around the house.
The dishes “magically” disappeared after each meal.
Stephen even had help installing his radiator hose.
Holidays are still holidays without family, but oh, how glad we are they came!
happy new year! Sound’s like you guy’s had a good Christmas and a happy new year. I’m glad you and Stephen and Silas had a good time with Stephens family there at Christmas. I’m glad you were brave enough to also try the viet. food.,I’m glad you enjoyed it.I definely wouldn’t try the pig’s snout or pig’s feet,it doesn’t sound appetizing. Sound’s like you had a great time at the grand canyon.