Christmas morning was magical! All nine of us (Mom and Dad Moody and three brothers had flown in on Christmas Eve) gathered in the family room to read the Christmas story and sing carols before opening the gifts.
This was my favorite Christmas yet. I loved having a newborn at Christmas as it made the Incarnation of Christ more vivid and gave me pause to meditate on the awesome sacrifice Jesus made when He came to earth. I also loved having a two year old little guy that knew what was happening and lit up with joy and excitement with each present. It was more than his toddler heart could handle!
For his first Christmas, Cooper slept in Grammy’s arms as she opened his gifts. Uncle David and Aunt Tammy gave him his very own mini Cooper. Adorable!
Aunt Charis gave Cooper a onesie that read, “I love my aunt” in German,
and Stephen and I picked out a hilarious mustache pacifier to help Baby Coop look more distinguished.
Silas was surrounded by three doting uncles who helped him open his gifts. The presents brought new, “Wows!” and wonder to Silas’s little eyes. I wish I could put into words the gleam in Silas’s eyes and the expression of his face as he shot his new space blaster gun.
Mommy and Daddy also gave him a cape and mask so he could be SuperBoy and run through the house shooting his blaster.
Perhaps the best present of all was the Cozy Coupe car given by the Manka aunts.
Seeing the new car was so exciting that Silas voluntarily laid down his space blaster.
He’s been driving that car all over the house ever since.
Our holiday was spent enjoying presents, eating way too much chocolate, playing games, watching movies, and playing with little boys. Stephen’s been wearing his new Gunnar glasses that I gave him.
They help reduce eye strain from staring at computer screens, so he has a lot of opportunity to use them!
My favorite present was the entryway bench Stephen bought and assembled before the family came. I’ve been dreaming of this bench for a while. Now Silas’s shoes are kept in one of the baskets so he can get them out and put them away on his own.
Also in my entryway hangs the giant ruler growth chart I made this past March. I’ve been adding family members’ heights to it as they come to visit.
I’ve managed to mark most of the Moodys, and I’m hoping to add the rest of the Mankas soon.
I know Christmas will be twice the fun once Cooper is older and can join in the celebration, but this year was truly magical.
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It sounds like an amazing Christmas! We’ll have to Skype soon so we can meet baby Cooper!