During the month of March, Silas and I enrolled in Goodyear’s Parent/Tot Tumbling class, along with our friends Eden and Melissa.
Saturday mornings found us at Estrella Gymnastics with Silas and Eden attempting some tumbling moves as best as their little 1 and 2 year-old bodies could. It was cute!
Silas had been doing jumps and somersaults around the house, so we figured we’d better encourage any athleticism and flexibility he has–especially since his parents are not gifted in sports. Plus, it was a fun way to spend some time with friends.
I was surprised at how well Silas did with some of the skills. He must have done a great job because the coach said she’d like to move him up to the 3 1/2 year-old class! We’re taking a break this month due to Silas’s mysterious leg injury last week. But in May, he’ll be in the Tiny Stars class. Gotta give our little acrobat a chance to shine!
Oh, how cute!! Plus some Mommy & Silas time too 🙂 Glad he’s recovering.